# Pull images from movie; I've put movie directory "chesterwood" in the instant-ngp directory for simplicity. Change "fps 2" to whatever is needed to give you around 100 images. cd C:\Users\(your path here)\Github\instant-ngp cd chesterwood python ..\scripts\colmap2nerf.py --video_in IMG_9471.MOV --video_fps 2 --run_colmap --overwrite # NOTE! This line is a bit different than shown in the video, as advice on aabb_scale's use has changed. Also, I usually want to delete a few images after extracting them, so I don't do an exhaustive match at this point. In fact, I usually hit break (Control-C) when I see "Feature extraction" starting, as the images have all been extracted at that point.
#After you delete any blurry or useless frames, continue below to match cameras.
# Camera match given set of images. Do for any set of images. Run from directory containing your "images" directory. python C:\Users\(your path here)\Github\instant-ngp\scripts\colmap2nerf.py --colmap_matcher exhaustive --run_colmap --aabb_scale 16 --overwrite # For videos or closely related sets of shots, you can take out the "--colmap_matcher exhaustive" from the line above, since your images are in order. This saves a few minutes. You could also leave off "--aabb_scale 16" or put 64, the new default; the docs say it is worth playing with this number, see nerf_dataset_tips.md for how (short version: edit it in transforms.json). In my limited testing, I personally have not seen a difference.
# run interactive instant-ngp - run from the main directory "instant-ngp" cd .. instant-ngp chesterwood