
ccf-deadlines (

My post Brief description status
NeRF + Code NeRF 原理 + 代码理解 Completed
NeuS + Code 表面重建方法 SDFNetwork Completed
InstantNGP + Tiny-cuda-nn 加速 NeRF 的训练和推理 Completed(Tcnn)
Instant-nsr-pl + Code Neus+Tcnn+NSR+pl Completed
Instant-NSR + Code 快速表面重建 Completed
NeRO + Code 考虑镜面和漫反射的体渲染函数 In Processing
NeRF 基于 Instant-nsr-pl 创建的项目 Completed

Related link : 3D Reconstruction | awesome-NeRF-papers


ECCV 2020 Oral - Best Paper Honorable Mention

Year Title&Project Page Brief Description Conf/Jour
2020 NeRF:Representing Scenes as Neural Radiance Fields for View Synthesis 初始文 ECCV


Year Title&Project Page Brief Description Conf/Jour
2023 A Critical Analysis of NeRF-Based 3D Reconstruction 对比了Colmap摄影测量法和NeRF-based方法在3D Reconstruction中的优劣 MDPI remote sensing
2023 Maftej/iisnerf ( 探索了NeRF在工业和机器人领域的应用 None
2023 None 2023年NeRF Review ref others None
2023 A Review of Deep Learning-Powered Mesh Reconstruction Methods 介绍了几种3D模型表示方法+回顾了将DL应用到Mesh重建中的方法 None


Other paper about camera pose

  • How to turn your camera into a perfect pinhole model




Year Title&Project Page Brief Description Conf/Jour
2021 NeuS: Learning Neural Implicit Surfaces by Volume Rendering for Multi-view Reconstruction Neus: SDF表面重建方法 NeurIPS
2022 Human Performance Modeling and Rendering via Neural Animated Mesh NSR: Neus_TSDF + NGP,但是依赖mask SIGGRAPH Asia
2023 bennyguo/instant-nsr-pl Neus+NeRF+Nerfacc+tcnn None
2023 Neuralangelo: High-Fidelity Neural Surface Reconstruction NGP_but数值梯度+Neus_SDF IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
2023 PermutoSDF NGP_butPermutohedral lattice + Neus_SDF,曲率损失和颜色MLP正则解决镜面+无纹理区域,更光滑 IEEE/CVF Conference on CVPR
2023 NeuDA NGP_butDeformable Anchors+HPE + Neus CVPR
2023 NeRO: Neural Geometry and BRDF Reconstruction of Reflective Objects from Multiview Images Neus_SDF 新的光表示方法可以重建准确的几何和BRDF,但是细节处由于太光滑而忽略,反射颜色也依赖准确的法线 SIGGRAPH (ACM TOG)
2021 UNISURF: Unifying Neural Implicit Surfaces and Radiance Fields for Multi-View Reconstruction UNISURF用占用值来表示表面,代替NeRF中的$\alpha$ ICCV (oral)
2023 PlankAssembly: Robust 3D Reconstruction from Three Orthographic Views with Learnt Shape Programs 基于Transform的自注意力提出模型,将2D三视图转化成3D模型的代码形式DSL ICCV
2023 NeUDF 使用UDF,可以重建具有任意拓扑的表面,例如非水密表面 CVPR
2023 NeuS2: Fast Learning of Neural Implicit Surfaces for Multi-view Reconstruction 基于Neus、NGP和NSR,实现高质量快速的静态和动态建模 ICCV
2023 Color-NeuS ( 解决了类Neus方法推理时表面颜色提取困难和不正确的问题 arXiv
2022 HF-NeuS: Improved Surface Reconstruction Using High-Frequency Details 新的SDF与透明度$\alpha$关系函数,将SDF分解为基和位移两个独立隐函数的组合 NeurIPS
2022 Geo-Neus: Geometry-Consistent Neural Implicit Surfaces Learning for Multi-view Reconstruction 使用COLMAP产生的稀疏点来作为SDF的显示监督,具有多视图立体约束的隐式曲面上的几何一致监督 NeurIPS
2020 Multiview Neural Surface Reconstruction by Disentangling Geometry and Appearance ( 端到端的IDR:可以从masked的2D图像中学习3D几何、外观,允许粗略的相机估计 NeurIPS
2023 Flexible Isosurface Extraction for Gradient-Based Mesh Optimization (FlexiCubes) ( 一种新的Marching Cube的方法 ACM Trans. on Graph. (SIGGRAPH 2023)


Year Title&Project Page Brief Description Conf/Jour
2023 Relighting Neural Radiance Fields with Shadow and Highlight Hints 数据集使用相机位姿和灯源位姿,训练集大约500张,Shadow and Highlight hints SIGGRAPH
2023 NeRO: Neural Geometry and BRDF Reconstruction of Reflective Objects from Multiview Images Neus_SDF 新的光表示方法可以重建准确的几何和BRDF,但是细节处由于太光滑而忽略,反射颜色也依赖准确的法线 SIGGRAPH (ACM TOG)
2023 ShadowNeuS ( 多光照下单视图重建SDF+RGB图像重建外观+BRDF CVPR
2022 Ref-NeRF ( 基于球面谐波的IDE编码+预测表面法向+BRDF CVPR
2021 NeRFactor ( NeRFactor在未知光照条件下从图像中恢复物体形状和反射率 SIGGRAPH
2023 Ref-NeuS ( Anomaly Detection for Reflection Score + Visibility Identification for Reflection Score+反射感知的光度损失 ICCV Oral
2023 NeuFace: Realistic 3D Neural Face Rendering from Multi-view Images BRDF+SDF+PBR框架,端到端训练,重建人脸的几何+外观 CVPR
2024 cuiziteng/Aleth-NeRF: [AAAI 2024] Aleth-NeRF: Illumination Adaptive NeRF with Concealing Field Assumption ( AAAI
2023 [2312.08118] Neural Radiance Fields for Transparent Object Using Visual Hull (

Sparse images/Generalization

Large Scale Scene

Year Title&Project Page Brief Description Conf/Jour
2020 nerfplusplus: improves over nerf in 360 capture of unbounded scenes 将背景的采样点表示为四维向量,与前景分别使用不同的MLP进行训练 arXiv
2022 mip-NeRF 360 将单位球外的背景参数化,小型提议网络进行精采样,正则化dist消除小区域云雾 CVPR

Uncertainty in NeRF

Year Paper 研究对象 研究内容 研究方法 Important for me
2024 [2405.02568] ActiveNeuS: Active 3D Reconstruction using Neural Implicit Surface Uncertainty 3D scene reconstruction Active learning主动学习 Neural Implicit Surface Uncertainty 图像渲染或几何不确定性
2024 [2404.06727] Bayesian NeRF: Quantifying Uncertainty with Volume Density in Neural Radiance Fields Volume Density in Neural Radiance Fields quantifying uncertainty based on the geometric structure Bayesian 几何体积结构中的不确定性
2024 Bayes’ Rays NeRF BaysRays Uncertainty Quantification Bayes, 坐标perturbation
Year Paper 研究对象 研究内容 研究方法 Important for me
2024 ActNeRF Robot Manipulators Uncertainty-aware Active Learning of NeRF-based Object Models Visual and Re-orientation Actions 允许机器人在收集视觉观察结果的同时重新定向物体
2024 [2404.01400] NVINS: Robust Visual Inertial Navigation Fused with NeRF-augmented Camera Pose Regressor and Uncertainty Quantification real-time and robust robotic tasks(机器人实时导航) NeRF-augmented Camera Pose Regressor and Uncertainty Quantification Fused
2024 [2403.18476] Modeling uncertainty for Gaussian Splatting Gaussian Splatting Modeling uncertainty Variational Inference-based approach + Area Under Sparsification Error (AUSE) 图像渲染质量和不确定性估计精度方面都优于现有方法
Year Paper 研究对象 研究内容 研究方法 Important for me
2024 Neural Visibility Field for Uncertainty-Driven Active Mapping NVF 自然会为未观察区域分配更高的不确定性,帮助机器人选择最具信息量的下一个视点
Year Paper 研究对象 研究内容 研究方法 Important for me
2024 Bayesian uncertainty analysis for underwater 3D reconstruction with neural radiance fields


Activation Functions

Year Title&Project Page Brief Description Conf/Jour
2020 Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions periodic activation functions dubbed sinusoidal representation networks or SIREN ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH)


Year Title&Project Page Brief Description Conf/Jour
2022 Instant Neural Graphics Primitives with a Multiresolution Hash Encoding 多分辨率哈希编码 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH)
2023 bennyguo/instant-nsr-pl Neus+NeRF+Nerfacc+tcnn None
2023 Neuralangelo: High-Fidelity Neural Surface Reconstruction NGP_but数值梯度+Neus_SDF IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
2023 PermutoSDF NGP_butPermutohedral lattice + Neus_SDF,曲率损失和颜色MLP正则解决镜面+无纹理区域,更光滑 IEEE/CVF Conference on CVPR
2023 NeuDA NGP_butDeformable Anchors+HPE + Neus CVPR
2023 Zip-NeRF ( NGP + Mip-NeRF360 ICCV
2023 Tri-MipRF: Tri-Mip Representation for Efficient Anti-Aliasing Neural Radiance Fields ( Tri-MipRF encoding(TensoRF + NGP)+ Cone Sampling(Mip-NeRF) ICCV
2022 TensoRF: Tensorial Radiance Fields ( TensoRF引入VM分解,提高重建的质量和速度,并减小了内存占用 ECCV
2023 Zerg-Overmind/Strivec ( 局部张量CP分解为三向量+多尺度网格+占用网格采样方式 ICCV
2023 3D Gaussian Splatting for Real-Time Radiance Field Rendering ( 优化3D高斯点云,并使用splatting渲染方式,实现实时高分辨率训练+渲染 SIGGRAPH
2023 BakedSDF VolSDF+MarchingCube得到mesh,漫反射+高斯叶来渲染颜色 SIGGRAPH
2024 [2402.16366] SPC-NeRF: Spatial Predictive Compression for Voxel Based Radiance Field 空间预测编码,有效地消除空间冗余,以获得更好的压缩性能



Year Title&Project Page Brief Description Conf/Jour
2023 NerfAcc Documentation — nerfacc 0.5.3 一种新的采样方法可以加速NeRF arXiv
2021 mip-NeRF 截头圆锥体采样方法+IPEncoding ICCV
2023 Floaters No More: Radiance Field Gradient Scaling for Improved Near-Camera Training 通过梯度缩放,解决基于NeRF重建场景中的背景塌陷和镜前漂浮物 The Eurographics Association
2023 ProNeRF: Learning Efficient Projection-Aware Ray Sampling for Fine-Grained Implicit Neural Radiance Fields ( 投影感知采样(PAS)
2022 AdaNeRF: Adaptive Sampling for Real-time Rendering of Neural Radiance Fields 自适应采样方法 ECCV
2021 NeuSample Neural Sample Field光线上的采样点也是用网络进行生成
2022 NeRF-SR Super-Sampling每个像素发射多条光线 ACM Multimedia

Volume Rendering Function


Year Title&Project Page Brief Description Conf/Jour
2023 3D Gaussian Splatting for Real-Time Radiance Field Rendering ( 优化3D高斯点云,并使用splatting渲染方式,实现实时高分辨率训练+渲染 SIGGRAPH
2023 Globally Consistent Normal Orientation for Point Clouds by Regularizing the Winding-Number Field 使得稀疏点云和薄壁点云法向量一致 ACM Transactions on Graphics(SIGGRAPH)
2023 Neural Kernel Surface Reconstruction 从点云中进行表面重建 CVPR 2023 Highlight
2022 Point-NeRF: Point-based Neural Radiance Fields 生成初始化点云,基于点云进行增删和体渲染 CVPR 2022 Oral
2024 HashPoint 结合rasterization and ray tracing CVPR 2024 Highlight



Year Title&Project Page Brief Description Conf/Jour
2023 cong-yi/DualMesh-UDF ( Surface Extraction from Neural Unsigned Distance Fields ICCV


Year Title&Project Page Brief Description Conf/Jour
2023 nerfstudio 集成现有的NeRF方法 ACM SIGGRAPH
2022 SDFStudio 集成基于SDF的NeRF方法 None


Year Title&Project Page Brief Description Conf/Jour
2023 Seeing the World through Your Eyes 从人眼的倒影中重建物体 None
2023 PAniC-3D Stylized Single-view 3D Reconstruction from Portraits of Anime Characters 从插画风格角色肖像中重建3D CVPR
2023 LERF: Language Embedded Radiance Fields 用语言查询空间中的3D物体,并高亮显示 ICCV 2023 (Oral)
2024 IPA-NeRF: Illusory Poisoning Attack Against Neural Radiance Fields NeRF后门(Illusory Poisoning Attack),在NeRF渲染的某个固定视图插入后门图像

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