Title Nerfstudio: A Modular Framework for Neural Radiance Field Development
Author Tancik, Matthew and Weber, Ethan and Ng, Evonne and Li, Ruilong and Yi, Brentand Kerr, Justin and Wang, Terrance and Kristoffersen, Alexander and Austin,Jake and Salahi, Kamyar and Ahuja, Abhik and McAllister, David and Kanazawa,Angjoo
Conf/Jour ACM SIGGRAPH 2023 Conference Proceedings
Year 2023
Project nerfstudio-project/nerfstudio: A collaboration friendly studio for NeRFs (github.com)
Paper Nerfstudio: A Modular Framework for Neural Radiance Field Development (readpaper.com)


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NVlabs/instant-ngp: Instant neural graphics primitives: lightning fast NeRF and more (github.com)
zhaofuq/Instant-NSR: Pytorch implementation of fast surface resconstructor (github.com)
kwea123/ngp_pl: Instant-ngp in pytorch+cuda trained with pytorch-lightning (high quality with high speed, with only few lines of legible code) (github.com)


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实现了三维重建:从多视角图片中重建出了 mesh 模型

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Title NeRF: Representing Scenes as Neural Radiance Fields for View Synthesis
Author Ben Mildenhall*Pratul P. Srinivasan*Matthew Tancik*Jonathan T. BarronRavi RamamoorthiRen Ng
Conf/Jour ECCV 2020 Oral - Best Paper Honorable Mention
Year 2020
Project NeRF: Neural Radiance Fields (matthewtancik.com)
Paper NeRF: Representing Scenes as Neural Radiance Fields for View Synthesis (readpaper.com)

NeRF(Neural Radiance Fields)是一种用于生成逼真三维场景的计算机图形学方法。通过神经网络对场景中的每个空间点进行建模,NeRF可以估计每个点的颜色和密度信息。利用渲染方程,NeRF能够合成高质量的逼真图像。相较于传统的渲染方法,NeRF能够处理复杂的光照和反射效果,广泛应用于虚拟现实、增强现实、电影制作和游戏开发等领域。然而,NeRF方法仍面临一些挑战,如计算复杂度和对训练数据的依赖性。研究人员正在不断改进NeRF,以提高其效率和扩展性。

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