Title TransHuman: A Transformer-based Human Representation for Generalizable Neural Human Rendering
Author Xiao Pan1,2,∗, Zongxin Yang1, Jianxin Ma2, Chang Zhou2, Yi Yang1,†
Conf/Jour ICCV
Year 2023
Project TransHuman: A Transformer-based Human Representation for Generalizable Neural Human Rendering (pansanity666.github.io)
Paper TransHuman: A Transformer-based Human Representation for Generalizable Neural Human Rendering (readpaper.com)


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Paper Model Input Parameter/Pnum GPU
DiT-3D Diffusion Transformers Voxelized PC
PointFlow AE flow-based PointCloud 1.61M
FlowGAN GAN flow-based Single Image N = 2500 A40 45GB
BuilDiff Diffusion models Single Image 1024 to 4096 A40 45GB
CCD-3DR CDPM Single Image 8192 3090Ti 24GB
SG-GAN SG-GAN Single Image
HaP Diffusion+SMPL+DepthEstimation Single Image 10000 4x3090Ti
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Title BuilDiff: 3D Building Shape Generation using Single-Image Conditional Point Cloud Diffusion Models
Author Wei, Yao and Vosselman, George and Yang, Michael Ying
Conf/Jour ICCV
Year 2023
Project weiyao1996/BuilDiff: BuilDiff: 3D Building Shape Generation using Single-Image Conditional Point Cloud Diffusion Models (github.com)
Paper BuilDiff: 3D Building Shape Generation using Single-Image Conditional Point Cloud Diffusion Models (readpaper.com)


  • 关注建筑物的重建,为 3D Diffusion Models 中添加了图片的信息嵌入(预训练了一个图片编码器)
  • 两阶段的点云降噪模型,第一阶段关注全局,第二阶段关注细节
  • 提出了两个自定义的新数据集,并在数据集上验证了本方法的优点
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Title SG-GAN: Fine Stereoscopic-Aware Generation for 3D Brain Point Cloud Up-sampling from a Single Image
Author Bowen Hu, Baiying Lei, Shuqiang Wang, Senior Member, IEEE
Conf/Jour arXiv
Year 2023
Paper SG-GAN: Fine Stereoscopic-Aware Generation for 3D Brain Point Cloud Up-sampling from a Single Image (readpaper.com)


Stereoscopic-aware graph generative adversarial network (SG-GAN)

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Title Flow-based GAN for 3D Point Cloud Generation from a Single Image
Author Yao Wei (University of Twente), George Vosselman (“University of Twente, the Netherlands”), Michael Ying Yang (University of Twente)*
Conf/Jour BMVA
Year 2022
Project Flow-based GAN for 3D Point Cloud Generation from a Single Image (mpg.de)
Paper Flow-based GAN for 3D Point Cloud Generation from a Single Image (readpaper.com)


  • flow-based explicit generative models for sampling point clouds with arbitrary resolutions
  • Improving the detailed 3D structures of point clouds by leveraging the implicit generative adversarial networks (GANs).
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New 3D Diffusion Transformer Model, 在体素化的点云上运行 DDPM(Denoising diffusion probabilistic models) 的去噪过程

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Title Challenging universal representation of deep models for 3D point cloud registration
Author Bojani\’{c}, David and Bartol, Kristijan and Forest, Josep and Gumhold, Stefan and Petkovi\’{c}, Tomislav and Pribani\’{c}, Tomislav
Conf/Jour BMVC
Year 2022
Project DavidBoja/greedy-grid-search: [BMVC 2022 workshop] Greedy Grid Search: A 3D Registration Baseline (github.com)
Paper Challenging the Universal Representation of Deep Models for 3D Point Cloud Registration (readpaper.com)



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Title Geometric Transformer for Fast and Robust Point Cloud Registration
Author Zheng Qin1 Hao Yu2 Changjian Wang1 Yulan Guo1,3 Yuxing Peng1 Kai Xu1*
Conf/Jour CVPR
Year 2022
Project qinzheng93/GeoTransformer: [CVPR2022] Geometric Transformer for Fast and Robust Point Cloud Registration (github.com)
Paper Geometric Transformer for Fast and Robust Point Cloud Registration (readpaper.com)


pairwise registration models, only Ubuntu

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