Title Improving Neural Indoor Surface Reconstruction with Mask-Guided Adaptive Consistency Constraints
Author Xinyi Yu1, Liqin Lu1, Jintao Rong1, Guangkai Xu2,∗ and Linlin Ou1
Year 2023
Paper Improving Neural Indoor Surface Reconstruction with Mask-Guided Adaptive Consistency Constraints (readpaper.com)



  • 法向预测网络,法向量约束
  • 一致性约束(几何一致性和颜色一致性),通过虚拟视点实现
  • mask的计算方法,只计算有价值的光线
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Title A Hierarchical Representation Network for Accurate and Detailed Face Reconstruction from In-The-Wild Images
Author Biwen Lei Jianqiang Ren Mengyang Feng Miaomiao Cui Xuansong Xie
Conf/Jour CVPR
Year 2023
Project HRN (younglbw.github.io)
Paper A Hierarchical Representation Network for Accurate and Detailed Face Reconstruction from In-The-Wild Images (readpaper.com)



  • 需要3D 先验:每张图像的GT变形图和位移图
  • Contour-aware Loss. 新的轮廓感知损失算法,目的是拉动边缘的顶点以对齐面部轮廓
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Title Vid2Avatar: 3D Avatar Reconstruction from Videos in the Wild via Self-supervised Scene Decomposition
Author Chen Guo1, Tianjian Jiang1, Xu Chen1,2, Jie Song1, Otmar Hilliges1
Conf/Jour CVPR 2023
Year 2023
Project Vid2Avatar: 3D Avatar Reconstruction from Videos in the Wild via Self-supervised Scene Decomposition (moygcc.github.io)
Paper Vid2Avatar: 3D Avatar Reconstruction from Videos in the Wild via Self-supervised Scene Decomposition (readpaper.com)



  • 不透明度稀疏正则化$\mathcal{L}_{\mathrm{sparse}}^i=\frac1{|\mathcal{R}_{\mathrm{off}}^i|}\sum_{\mathbf{r}\in\mathcal{R}_{\mathrm{off}}^i}|\alpha^H(\mathbf{r})|.$惩罚与subject不相交的光线的非零光线不透明度
  • 自监督射线分类$\begin{aligned}\mathcal{L}_\mathrm{BCE}^i&=-\frac{1}{|\mathcal{R}^i|}\sum_{\mathrm{r}\in\mathcal{R}^i}(\alpha^H(\mathbf{r})\log(\alpha^H(\mathbf{r}))\\&+(1-\alpha^H(\mathbf{r}))\log(1-\alpha^H(\mathbf{r}))),\end{aligned}$鼓励包含完全透明或不透明光线的光线分布
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Title High-fidelity 3D Human Digitization from Single 2K Resolution Images
Author Sang-Hun Han1, Min-Gyu Park2, Ju Hong Yoon2,Ju-Mi Kang2, Young-Jae Park1, and Hae-Gon Jeon1
Conf/Jour CVPR 2023 Highlight
Year 2023
Project High-fidelity 3D Human Digitization from Single 2K Resolution Images Project Page (sanghunhan92.github.io)
Paper High-fidelity 3D Human Digitization from Single 2K Resolution Images (readpaper.com)



  • 需要提供法线图、mask、深度图(低分辨率+高分辨率)
  • 需要人体模型的关节点信息
  • 无法预测自遮挡部位
  • 对低分辨率重建效果不好
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NeRF-based self-supervised 3D Reconstruction

  1. image and pose(COLMAP)
  2. NeRF(NeuS) or 3DGS(SuGaR)
    1. 损失函数(对比像素颜色、深度、法向量、SDF梯度累积<Eikonal term>Eikonal Equation and SDF - Lin’s site)
  3. PointCloud后处理,根据不同用途如3D打印、有限元仿真分析、游戏assets,有许多格式mesh/FEMode/AMs
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Title Flexible Isosurface Extraction for Gradient-Based Mesh Optimization
Author Shen, Tianchang and Munkberg, Jacob and Hasselgren, Jon and Yin, Kangxue and Wang, Zian and Chen, Wenzheng and Gojcic, Zan and Fidler, Sanja and Sharp, Nicholas and Gao, Jun
Conf/Jour ACM Trans. on Graph. (SIGGRAPH 2023)
Year 2023
Project Flexible Isosurface Extraction for Gradient-Based Mesh Optimization (FlexiCubes) (nvidia.com)
Paper Flexible Isosurface Extraction for Gradient-Based Mesh Optimization (nv-tlabs.github.io)

一种新的Marching Cube的方法

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