Title BakedSDF: Meshing Neural SDFs for Real-Time View Synthesis
Author Lior Yariv and Peter Hedman and Christian Reiser and Dor Verbin and Pratul P. Srinivasan and Richard Szeliski and Jonathan T. Barron and Ben Mildenhall
Year 2023
Project BakedSDF
Paper BakedSDF: Meshing Neural SDFs for Real-Time View Synthesis (readpaper.com)


  • 对前景物体采用类似VolSDF的方法训练Modeling density with an SDF
  • 使用Marching Cube 的方法来提取高分辨率网格Baking a high-resolution mesh
  • Modeling view-dependent appearance,对baked后的高分辨率网格上顶点:采用漫反射颜色和球形高斯叶(前景3个波瓣,远处背景使用1个波瓣)
    • $\mathbf{C}=\mathbf{c}_{d}+\sum_{i=1}^{N}\mathbf{c}_{i}\exp\left(\lambda_{i}\left(\mu_{i}\cdot\mathbf{d}-1\right)\right).$
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Title Ref-NeuS: Ambiguity-Reduced Neural Implicit Surface Learning for Multi-View Reconstruction with Reflection
Author Wenhang Ge1 Tao Hu 2 Haoyu Zhao 1 Shu Liu 3 Ying-Cong Chen1,∗
Conf/Jour ICCV Oral
Year 2023
Project Ref-NeuS (g3956.github.io)
Paper Ref-NeuS: Ambiguity-Reduced Neural Implicit Surface Learning for Multi-View Reconstruction with Reflection (readpaper.com)
  • Anomaly Detection for Reflection Score + Visibility Identification for Reflection Score
  • Reflection Direction Dependent Radiance反射感知的光度损失
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Title Multiview Neural Surface Reconstruction by Disentangling Geometry and Appearance
Author Lior Yariv, Yoni Kasten, Dror Moran, Meirav Galun, Matan Atzmon, Ronen Basri, Yaron Lipman
Conf/Jour NeurIPS
Year 2020
Project Multiview Neural Surface Reconstruction by Disentangling Geometry and Appearance (lioryariv.github.io)
Paper Multiview Neural Surface Reconstruction by Disentangling Geometry and Appearance (readpaper.com)



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Title Geo-Neus: Geometry-Consistent Neural Implicit Surfaces Learning for Multi-view Reconstruction
Author Fu, Qiancheng and Xu, Qingshan and Ong, Yew-Soon and Tao, Wenbing
Conf/Jour NeurIPS
Year 2022
Project GhiXu/Geo-Neus: Geo-Neus: Geometry-Consistent Neural Implicit Surfaces Learning for Multi-view Reconstruction (NeurIPS 2022) (github.com)
Paper Geo-Neus: Geometry-Consistent Neural Implicit Surfaces Learning for Multi-view Reconstruction (readpaper.com)


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Title HF-NeuS: Improved Surface Reconstruction Using High-Frequency Details
Author _Yiqun Wang, Ivan Skorokhodov, Peter Wonka_
Conf/Jour NeurIPS
Year 2022
Project yiqun-wang/HFS: HF-NeuS: Improved Surface Reconstruction Using High-Frequency Details (NeurIPS 2022) (github.com)
Paper Improved surface reconstruction using high-frequency details (readpaper.com)


  • 新的SDF与透明度$\alpha$关系函数,相较于NeuS更简单
  • 将SDF分解为两个独立隐函数的组合:基和位移。并利用自适应尺度约束对隐函数分布不理想的区域进行重点优化,可以重构出比以往工作更精细的曲面
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Title Color-NeuS: Reconstructing Neural Implicit Surfaces with Color
Author Licheng Zhong1 , Lixin Yang1,2 , Kailin Li1, Haoyu Zhen1, Mei Han3, Cewu Lu1,2
Conf/Jour arXiv
Year 2023
Project Color-NeuS (colmar-zlicheng.github.io)
Paper Color-NeuS: Reconstructing Neural Implicit Surfaces with Color (readpaper.com)


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  • BRDF+SDF+PBR新框架,端到端训练,重建出Face的外观和几何
  • 简单而新的低秩先验,镜面反射部分的Material Integral. 表示为线性组合的BRDF基
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Title FreeNeRF: Improving Few-shot Neural Rendering with Free Frequency Regularization
Author Jiawei Yang Marco Pavone Yue Wang
Conf/Jour CVPR
Year 2023
Project FreeNeRF: Frequency-regularized NeRF (jiawei-yang.github.io)
Paper FreeNeRF: Improving Few-shot Neural Rendering with Free Frequency Regularization (readpaper.com)

Frequency regularized NeRF (FreeNeRF)


  • High-frequency inputs cause the catastrophic failure in few-shot neural rendering.
    • 位置编码中高频信号可以使高频分量更快收敛,但是过快收敛将导致少样本神经渲染中灾难性的过拟合
    • 测试:将高频位置编码位设置为0,pos_enc[int(L * x%): ] = 0, , L为位置编码的长度,x是可见比率
  • Frequency regularization enjoys the benefits of both high-frequency and low-frequency signals.
    • 频率正则化:根据训练时间steps,线性增加的频率mask,来正则化可见频谱。即刚开始使用低频,逐步增加高频信号的可见性
    • 频率正则化有助于降低在开始时导致灾难性故障的过度拟合风险,并避免在最终导致过度平滑的欠拟合
  • Occlusion regularization addresses the near-camera floaters.
    • 遮挡正则化,对相机附近密集场进行乘法
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Title Floaters No More: Radiance Field Gradient Scaling for Improved Near-Camera Training
Author Julien Philip1, Valentin Deschaintre1
Conf/Jour The Eurographics Association
Year 2023
Project Floaters No More: Radiance Field Gradient Scaling for Improved Near-Camera Training (gradient-scaling.github.io)
Paper Floaters No More: Radiance Field Gradient Scaling for Improved Near-Camera Training (readpaper.com)



  • Mip-NeRF 360
  • InstantNGP
  • DVGO
  • TensoRF
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  • 哈希编码加速
    • 定制的二阶导数反向传播计算
    • 渐进式学习策略(渐进添加高leve的哈希表)
  • 动态场景重建
    • 全局变换预测
    • 增量训练策略

主要代码通过cuda c++编写

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